Category - Industries

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Augmented reality art gallery, museum & retailer experiences: 6 cases

According to an international survey on consumer tourism choices in a post-pandemic world, people can’t wait to get back to museums and galleries. However, to cater to individuals who may not feel confident venturing out to an art gallery just yet, as well as those who have embraced new technologies such as virtual reality (VR)...

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Brands in the metaverse: everything you need to know

Coined in 1992 by the science fiction writer Neal Stephenson in his novel “Snow Crash,” the term “metaverse” has gained momentum since the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a digital turning point.  Proving that the metaverse is more than just a buzzword, tech titans like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who wants to build an “enterprise metaverse” for...

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How augmented reality jewellery try ons supercharge sales for retailers

Augmented reality (AR), a technology based on enhancing the real-world environment with computer-generated elements, is quickly gaining traction across many industries, including retail. From makeup to furniture to eyeglasses, many brands are already empowering their customers with the ability to experience products through AR and 3D modelling before they make a purchase. The reason why...

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Augmented reality restaurant experiences: 5 examples

In the UK and in many other countries, restaurants are beginning to reopen, but many still feel a little wary of dining indoors. It’s important, now more than ever, that food service businesses send the message that they are taking customer safety seriously. One way they can do this, while at the same time standing...

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Visual search ecommerce: how brands can stand out to customers shopping with their camera

Chances are, when you want to learn something, go somewhere, or buy something, you turn to Google. While Google does not reveal the exact search volume it sees every day, it’s estimated that the world’s most popular search engine processes about 63,000 search queries a second, which is around 5.6 billion searches a day.  However,...

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How augmented reality travel is changing the tourism industry

With its ability to enhance the real world with overlaid digital components, augmented reality (AR) is fast becoming the tourism industry’s favourite tool. While AR was invaluable in helping companies that rely on tourism keep their customers engaged during worldwide lockdowns, the innovative technology was already gaining traction even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Augmented...