Category - Ecommerce

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Augmented reality fashion: 4 ways it’s influencing people’s wardrobes

According to recent statistics, customers are buying more clothes online than ever. However, for retailers, increased sales don’t always translate into sustainable top-line growth. One reason for that is that online clothes shopping has a big problem: returns. Research shows that e-commerce apparel returns can range anywhere between 50% to 80% compared to in-store return...

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Augmented reality art gallery, museum & retailer experiences: 6 cases

According to an international survey on consumer tourism choices in a post-pandemic world, people can’t wait to get back to museums and galleries. However, to cater to individuals who may not feel confident venturing out to an art gallery just yet, as well as those who have embraced new technologies such as virtual reality (VR)...

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How augmented reality jewellery try ons supercharge sales for retailers

Augmented reality (AR), a technology based on enhancing the real-world environment with computer-generated elements, is quickly gaining traction across many industries, including retail. From makeup to furniture to eyeglasses, many brands are already empowering their customers with the ability to experience products through AR and 3D modelling before they make a purchase. The reason why...

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Visual search ecommerce: how brands can stand out to customers shopping with their camera

Chances are, when you want to learn something, go somewhere, or buy something, you turn to Google. While Google does not reveal the exact search volume it sees every day, it’s estimated that the world’s most popular search engine processes about 63,000 search queries a second, which is around 5.6 billion searches a day.  However,...

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How YouTube AR and shopping tools can grow engagement for brands

More than two billion. That’s how many people visit YouTube each month. And the number is growing. Already the most popular platform on the internet, YouTube increased its share of users by 8% between 2019 and 2021. Compare that to Facebook, whose user base of 69% has remained unchanged for the last three years.  Unsurprisingly,...

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Pinterest AR: how brands can use in their shopping campaigns

With a year-over-year increase of 37% in monthly active users in 2020, brands can’t afford to ignore Pinterest’s audience of 459 million consumers, many of which need only a small nudge to make a purchase. Now, with Pinterest AR, that is even more the case. More than half of visitors to Pinterest are eager to buy...