Category - Web AR

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Augmented reality fashion: 4 ways it’s influencing people’s wardrobes

According to recent statistics, customers are buying more clothes online than ever. However, for retailers, increased sales don’t always translate into sustainable top-line growth. One reason for that is that online clothes shopping has a big problem: returns. Research shows that e-commerce apparel returns can range anywhere between 50% to 80% compared to in-store return...

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Augmented reality art gallery, museum & retailer experiences: 6 cases

According to an international survey on consumer tourism choices in a post-pandemic world, people can’t wait to get back to museums and galleries. However, to cater to individuals who may not feel confident venturing out to an art gallery just yet, as well as those who have embraced new technologies such as virtual reality (VR)...

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Augmented reality restaurant experiences: 5 examples

In the UK and in many other countries, restaurants are beginning to reopen, but many still feel a little wary of dining indoors. It’s important, now more than ever, that food service businesses send the message that they are taking customer safety seriously. One way they can do this, while at the same time standing...

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How augmented reality events can transform customer engagement

Augmented reality events experiences offer brands a way to engage customers in a novel fashion while also mitigating some of the lasting effects of the pandemic.  Although the significant threat of COVID-19 might have passed in many countries, its impact on public behaviour is unlikely to dissipate immediately. As much as people are looking forward...

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Augmented reality analytics: measuring the success of your AR campaign

Since country-wide lockdowns shuttered retail stores and paused real-world events worldwide, companies have turned to augmented reality and 3D advertising to create much-needed buzz around their brands. However, even though AR campaigns have been proven to be more profitable when compared with traditional methods of advertising, some brands are still not willing to take the...

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3D product modelling: how to use it on your ecommerce website

3D product modelling is transforming online retail. With more customers shopping online than ever before, brands are increasingly turning to new innovative technologies in order to stand out in a crowded marketplace.  A leader when it comes to visual marketing techniques, 3D product modelling can inspire customers to act. Often, 3D technologies go hand in...