Louvolite – Blinds visualisation

The challenge
Louvolite wanted to provide a blinds visualisation tool for sales agents and customers using their ecommerce mobile app for iOS and Android. They wanted both to visualise and show off the special features of the blinds.
A key challenge was that their blinds can be customised to different sizes, depending on window measurements. They also had a wide range of blinds available of different designs, and wanted to 3D model them cost-effectively.
Our approach
To keep 3D modelling costs lower, we created four base 3D models based on different types of blinds, and then created multiple variants of each of them using different images of Louvolite’s hundreds of products. This allowed us to create 3D versions of a vast amount of their range for a fraction of what it would have cost to produce each one separately.
The unit enabling AR visualisation appears on each product page of the mobile iOS and Android app and can be accessed by clicking on a call-to-action. The AR visualisation experience then pops up on their mobile device, allowing them to place the blinds on their window.
To virtually place the blinds, users can select the corners of their window to select where exactly the blinds should be placed. This feature allows users to customise the exact size of the virtual blinds based on their window size.
In addition, we provided Louvolite with a content management system (CMS) to allow them to manage their catalogue of blinds, enabling them to customise their AR product visualisation unit on their app. The CMS allows them to assign colour variants of their fabric designs to different blind types – Roller, Vertical, Pleated and Vision.
Some of the blinds also include animations. For example, vertical blinds can be visualised opening and closing.

The outcome
The blinds visualisation experience was launched in March and has empowered Louvolite’s sales team and their customers to make more informed purchasing decisions and accelerate their sales cycle.
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