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Customise your AR business card

Fill in your information below to personalise your AR business card. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

This will be used as both the address in the AR experience and to send your payment receipt to - if a different email address is required in the experience, please contact us after payment

Remember to include http:// or https:// at the start of your URL.

Enter your Twitter username


Enter your Instagram username


Enter your LinkedIn profile URL

Provide a link to the video you'd like to include in your effect

Please upload an image of the business card side that you want to be scanned. Upload a PNG with no transparency for optimal performance.

Please provide a square photo, no greater than 2MB in size. Please provide a JPG or PNG with no transparency.

Please provide a square photo, no greater than 2MB in size. Please provide a JPG or PNG with no transparency.